March Highlights
3/4: Brianna and I dyed yarn together. It was a lot of fun! She went for an orange and I went for green (surprise surprise ^.^) We used food coloring and easter egg dye. BTW: I'm totally going to raid the easter section at walmart for all the dyes!
3/9: I walked around and photographed Downtown Mt. Dora. I was down there just before sunset. The light was very pretty and made for some great photos. I also met a couple musicians playing on the corner and took some pics of them... that I still need to send them *oops*
3/11: Lamar and I had a dinner-out-at-home date night. We got Olive Garden to go and set it up on the table at home. Very nice to do something different.
3/13: Lamar, Brianna, and I went to Universal for Mardi Gras. It was really fun to see Brianna, who is the ultimate Disney Head, be totally lost at Universal ^.^

3/17: 6 YEARS since Lamar and my first date *.*
3/19: I found a 4-Leaf Clover! How appropriate to find on St. Patrick's Week.
3/20: Lamar got two tickets to Universal Mardi Gras from one of his coworkers, so Sheree and I were able to go see 3DoorsDown in concert. It was awesome! When they started Kryptonite, everyone went crazy ^.^
3/21: I thrifted a pair of binoculars that are in great condition! I have since looked at the moon in awe.
3/26: My mother in law put together a program where she tells select people what she appreciates about them and I was one of the people this time. It was so sweet :)
3/28: My phone was stolen. In a round-about way this became a lesson in casting my cares on God. I get really anxious about a lot of things and within this situation I prayed that if God was trying to teach me something, to make it super plain to see. And the day after my phone was taken, my morning prayer (in the Abide App) was about casting my cares, worries, and anxieties on God. Then on the radio I was hearing and singing along with all the praise songs and it made me feel more at peace with everything. I now understand, more than before, the importance of praising in all situations.
3/30: I was able to replace my phone through upgrading.
Throughout the Month
- I knit my first pair of socks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started them on the 3rd and finished them on the 29th. Now I feel like I can knit all the things!
- Because of the series of unfortunate events that have occurred with my electronics, I am vowing to backup my devices at least twice a month if not once a week!!! I am tired of losing photos!
March Goals Review
1. Design a shawl - I started crocheting a shawl from the hand-dyed yarn I created. I'm still working out the size, and I think it's almost done!
2. At least 2 date nights with Lamar - We had our dinner-out-at-home night and on the 18th we went to IHOP as is our dating anniversary tradition :)
3. Yoga once a week - nope...
4. Do a downtown shoot - Shot Mt. Dora
5. Read at least one book - I haven't finished it but I recently started reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. So far its quite good. I've checked it out from the library, but I think I'll buy it.
April Goals
1. Finish reading Proverbs & Ecclesiastes
2. Crochet something Hufflepuff themed for the #23HarryPotterKAL
3. Volunteer at an animal shelter
4. Back up devices at least twice/month or at most once/week
5. Finish reading Big Magic