Recently I've been feeling quite overwhelmed with all things wedding. It's warranted because our wedding is 3 weeks away and there is still SO much yet to be done... or at least I feel like there is.
I've been having a super hard time going to sleep as of late, and that is starting to catch up with me. Meaning, I'm starting to sleep smooth through my morning alarms which is not good. Especially when my to-do list is way way longer than the done list.
Tonight, a few minutes ago, I checked my email and opened a message from a daily positivity thing I signed up for a long time ago. This was the quote:
"The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." ~William Faulkner
This is actually the second time I've come across this quote in recent days. It gives me encouragement. It's saying, "just keep moving small stones, one project at a time, and when you look up, Kilimanjaro will be moved."
I need to keep this quote nearby. It applies to so much more than to-do lists or wedding planning. Any area of life can benefit from the mindset that a mountain is nothing but a pile of small stones.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Wedding Spot: DIY Wedding Veil
Hey there, it's wedding diy time again ^.^ Crafting my wedding one detail at a time (I'm corny, I know)
One of the first things I decided to definitely try to DIY was my veil. I figured that a veil is, at its base, a piece of tulle, a comb, and a bit of trim. I can handle that. I was an apparel and design minor in college after all! If I can't make a wedding veil, my teachers would be SHAMED! lol
In the midst of my dress search, I tried on a veil and unfortunately it weren't pretty... I totally felt like I couldn't breathe! I went all panicky and what not. Afterwards I thought, "well I guess I need to walk around with a sheet over my face as practice..." *shrug*
So back to the DIY. I first took pictures of veils that I liked to figure out what style to create. In the end, I chose a 2-tier elbow/fingertip length design. This would allow the top tier to double as the blusher. It would have a comb attachment and a nice floral trim.
Of course, like a good DIY'er, I did quite a bit of pinteresting to find a usable pattern. I found and really like this one. The instructions were clear and super easy to follow. Two thumbs up! I got my tulle from Joann's because I cannot justify not using a coupon on my crafty purchases... The hair comb came from my local beauty supply store and the trim was from the fabric shop I wrote about a little bit ago <original post -here->.
So yeah, I jumped right on it.
The first hard part I ran into was gathering the tulle. Who woulda thought... It was SO fiddly and trying to hold and sew a straight line down that wispy fabric was enough to set my teeth on edge! But eventually I got it done. [imagine accomplished face Caleisha here ^.^] After I successfully gathered everything, I began the super-tedious task of pinning the trim to the edge. Once I made my way about half way around, I noticed that there was way too much ruffling happening in the front. That caused me to have to remove the whole gather -___- and redo with less material.
It took quite a bit of back & forth and trying different things before I had a veil that I could be proud of. I'm very glad I decided to make my veil instead of just buying one. There is just something about knowing that you yourself made aspects of your wedding details.
One of my favorite details of the finished veil is the price comparison to the inspiration veil. As a thrifty gal, this seriously warms my heart *.* BOOO-YAAA!!!
I can't wait to see the veil with my dress on our wedding day! (1 month 4 days & counting ^.^)
One of the first things I decided to definitely try to DIY was my veil. I figured that a veil is, at its base, a piece of tulle, a comb, and a bit of trim. I can handle that. I was an apparel and design minor in college after all! If I can't make a wedding veil, my teachers would be SHAMED! lol
In the midst of my dress search, I tried on a veil and unfortunately it weren't pretty... I totally felt like I couldn't breathe! I went all panicky and what not. Afterwards I thought, "well I guess I need to walk around with a sheet over my face as practice..." *shrug*
So back to the DIY. I first took pictures of veils that I liked to figure out what style to create. In the end, I chose a 2-tier elbow/fingertip length design. This would allow the top tier to double as the blusher. It would have a comb attachment and a nice floral trim.
Inspiration veil from David's Bridal |
Of course, like a good DIY'er, I did quite a bit of pinteresting to find a usable pattern. I found and really like this one. The instructions were clear and super easy to follow. Two thumbs up! I got my tulle from Joann's because I cannot justify not using a coupon on my crafty purchases... The hair comb came from my local beauty supply store and the trim was from the fabric shop I wrote about a little bit ago <original post -here->.
So yeah, I jumped right on it.
Picture 1: Determine the length you want for your blusher/top tier and back tier.
(I rigged up my dressform to simulate me with my wedding hair :) and draped the tulle over to determine how I wanted the veil to fall. My dress is also on the form so I could make sure the details showed the way I wanted.)
Pictures 2 & 3: Lay out the tulle and cut to the desired length. Round the edges.
Picture 4: Fold top tier over bottom tier and clip.
Pictures 5 & 6: Pin along the fold line and sew a wide running stitch to gather.
Picture 7: Gather tulle along the stitch line. Sew back and forth a couple times to secure.
Picture 8: Attach the hair comb to the gathered area.
Picture 9: Sew on trim
The first hard part I ran into was gathering the tulle. Who woulda thought... It was SO fiddly and trying to hold and sew a straight line down that wispy fabric was enough to set my teeth on edge! But eventually I got it done. [imagine accomplished face Caleisha here ^.^] After I successfully gathered everything, I began the super-tedious task of pinning the trim to the edge. Once I made my way about half way around, I noticed that there was way too much ruffling happening in the front. That caused me to have to remove the whole gather -___- and redo with less material.
It took quite a bit of back & forth and trying different things before I had a veil that I could be proud of. I'm very glad I decided to make my veil instead of just buying one. There is just something about knowing that you yourself made aspects of your wedding details.
One of my favorite details of the finished veil is the price comparison to the inspiration veil. As a thrifty gal, this seriously warms my heart *.* BOOO-YAAA!!!
I can't wait to see the veil with my dress on our wedding day! (1 month 4 days & counting ^.^)
Friday, May 9, 2014
My Furry Friend Tag
(Because... why not?)
A while ago I saw Claire, from HeyClaire on YouTube, do the My Furry Friend Tag about her cat Bruce and of course this was my response, "Yes!!! A perfectly reasonable opportunity to write about my dogs!!" Buuut who really needs an excuse, right? ;-)
There are 9 questions in this tag and there will also be a slighly obscene amount of doggy photos in this post... Just a heads up ^.^ Anywho, let's get it!
1. What's you pet's name?
My pets are named Kiva Antionette and Tootie Lashay. I have a thing about names. I want names that have meaning. Kiva is a Hebrew name that means protected. I decided go with that name because a few months before I got Kiva, I had a whippet mix named Yanis (gift of God) for a couple days. Unfortuanately, it turned out that Yanis had parvo and only lasted a few verrrrry sad days before he passed. So needless to say, I was nervous that my next dog would have some ailment or another and I wanted her to be 'protected'. Yep. That's the story. Oh, and my best friend named her Antionette because she wanted to call her Toni for short... She's never called her Toni.
Tootie on the other hand was named by her first owner and yeah... Tootie Lashay... Early on, I wanted to change her name, but Lamar told me not to because he started calling her 'Toot a la poo' or something like that, lol. So Tootie she is and shall stay.
2. What kind of pet and what breed?
They're both dogs... but I think you may have figured that out already...
Kiva is a beagle/jack russell mix. Tootie is a chihuahua/rat terrier mix... maybe. If you're good at calling dog breeds... let me know what you think she is :)
3. How long have you had your pet?
I have had Kiva for maybe 5 years and Toot for 3-ish. I'm terrible at keeping track of these things *shrug*
4. How did you get your pet?
I adopted Kiva from the pound in Huntsville.
Tootie's gotcha story is my favorite ^.^ Basically, I was dog-sitting for a coworker while she was moving into a new apartment. She was only suppose to be with me for a couple weeks, but as it unfortunately happens sometimes, the girl never came back for her. I called her when Toot chewed up ALL my high heels and she promised to come get her at the end of the week... I have still not heard from her. Good thing she left Tootie with me, because she could've easily ended up a stray or a pound puppy.
5. How old is your pet?
Here is another one of those questions that I'm not really sure about... Since I adopted Kiva I'm not sure how old she is really. I'd say she is roughly 6ish. Tootie is probably going on 4 maybe... I could be totally wrong tho. Meh...
6. What are some quirky things about your pet's personality?
These two dogs are so full of quirks its crazy! Kiva use to have super bad separation anxiety when I first got her and now whenever I come home she cries and runs around to find something to hold in her mouth like a pacifier. She also will push your hand up and down her belly if you stop rubbing her. Very bossy... Kiva is suuuper guilty... like all the time, whether she's done something or not. If you ask her if she's sorry she makes the most pitiful looking sad face ever! It makes it really hard not to laugh when she actually gets in trouble. She also likes to snuggle with whatever yarn ball I'm currently using.
Tootie is a grimlin. She LOVES cave-like spaces. Under the bed, behind the clothes in the closet, under tables, under chairs, down almost under the car seat. She has even tried to get down by the pedals in the car. Tryna kill us all... sigh. She also likes feet. She will lay next to your foot and cuddle it like a wierdo :) She also likes to get up on Lamar's shoulder when he's driving and look out the window. I'm always a little nervous that she's gonna fall out.
7. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
There is something about coming home and having super excited dogs jumping up and down like you're the best person in the world! Kiva is very sensitive and will come lay next to me if I'm sad or crying. Tootie just makes me laugh a lot.
8. What are your favorite past times with your pet?
Dog parking & cuddles mostly. I use to take Kiva hiking when we lived in Alabama and that was fun. I need to find somewhere down here to take these pups a-gallivantin'.
9. What are the nicknames you call your pet?
Kiva-diva, Keevee, Kivanator, Stinker, Pretty girl.
Tootie-bootie, Tootles, Toots boots, Grimlin, Little one.
If you have pets, you should do this too. It was fun answering the questions and thinking back over the years of having these two pups. Now for more pictures! Huzzah!
A while ago I saw Claire, from HeyClaire on YouTube, do the My Furry Friend Tag about her cat Bruce and of course this was my response, "Yes!!! A perfectly reasonable opportunity to write about my dogs!!" Buuut who really needs an excuse, right? ;-)
There are 9 questions in this tag and there will also be a slighly obscene amount of doggy photos in this post... Just a heads up ^.^ Anywho, let's get it!
1. What's you pet's name?
My pets are named Kiva Antionette and Tootie Lashay. I have a thing about names. I want names that have meaning. Kiva is a Hebrew name that means protected. I decided go with that name because a few months before I got Kiva, I had a whippet mix named Yanis (gift of God) for a couple days. Unfortuanately, it turned out that Yanis had parvo and only lasted a few verrrrry sad days before he passed. So needless to say, I was nervous that my next dog would have some ailment or another and I wanted her to be 'protected'. Yep. That's the story. Oh, and my best friend named her Antionette because she wanted to call her Toni for short... She's never called her Toni.
Tootie on the other hand was named by her first owner and yeah... Tootie Lashay... Early on, I wanted to change her name, but Lamar told me not to because he started calling her 'Toot a la poo' or something like that, lol. So Tootie she is and shall stay.
2. What kind of pet and what breed?
They're both dogs... but I think you may have figured that out already...
Kiva is a beagle/jack russell mix. Tootie is a chihuahua/rat terrier mix... maybe. If you're good at calling dog breeds... let me know what you think she is :)
3. How long have you had your pet?
I have had Kiva for maybe 5 years and Toot for 3-ish. I'm terrible at keeping track of these things *shrug*
4. How did you get your pet?
I adopted Kiva from the pound in Huntsville.
Tootie's gotcha story is my favorite ^.^ Basically, I was dog-sitting for a coworker while she was moving into a new apartment. She was only suppose to be with me for a couple weeks, but as it unfortunately happens sometimes, the girl never came back for her. I called her when Toot chewed up ALL my high heels and she promised to come get her at the end of the week... I have still not heard from her. Good thing she left Tootie with me, because she could've easily ended up a stray or a pound puppy.
5. How old is your pet?
Here is another one of those questions that I'm not really sure about... Since I adopted Kiva I'm not sure how old she is really. I'd say she is roughly 6ish. Tootie is probably going on 4 maybe... I could be totally wrong tho. Meh...
6. What are some quirky things about your pet's personality?
These two dogs are so full of quirks its crazy! Kiva use to have super bad separation anxiety when I first got her and now whenever I come home she cries and runs around to find something to hold in her mouth like a pacifier. She also will push your hand up and down her belly if you stop rubbing her. Very bossy... Kiva is suuuper guilty... like all the time, whether she's done something or not. If you ask her if she's sorry she makes the most pitiful looking sad face ever! It makes it really hard not to laugh when she actually gets in trouble. She also likes to snuggle with whatever yarn ball I'm currently using.
Tootie is a grimlin. She LOVES cave-like spaces. Under the bed, behind the clothes in the closet, under tables, under chairs, down almost under the car seat. She has even tried to get down by the pedals in the car. Tryna kill us all... sigh. She also likes feet. She will lay next to your foot and cuddle it like a wierdo :) She also likes to get up on Lamar's shoulder when he's driving and look out the window. I'm always a little nervous that she's gonna fall out.
7. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
There is something about coming home and having super excited dogs jumping up and down like you're the best person in the world! Kiva is very sensitive and will come lay next to me if I'm sad or crying. Tootie just makes me laugh a lot.
8. What are your favorite past times with your pet?
Dog parking & cuddles mostly. I use to take Kiva hiking when we lived in Alabama and that was fun. I need to find somewhere down here to take these pups a-gallivantin'.
9. What are the nicknames you call your pet?
Kiva-diva, Keevee, Kivanator, Stinker, Pretty girl.
Tootie-bootie, Tootles, Toots boots, Grimlin, Little one.
If you have pets, you should do this too. It was fun answering the questions and thinking back over the years of having these two pups. Now for more pictures! Huzzah!
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official blanket testers |
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any crochet thing laid out is automatically her spot |
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cuddle-bug extraordinaire |
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this is how grimlins sleep lol |
Monday, May 5, 2014
Oceans: A How I'm Feeling Post
It was really hard to get out of bed today. And what makes it worse, I've felt myself sliding into this one. But there's nothing I can do except pray it's a short one.
I did get myself up a couple times, but ended up back in bed... curled up. The last time dragged my body out of bed, put clothes on and went into the living room. I opened the front door since I kinda remembered someone knocking on it so I thought maybe the remaining wedding invitations had come. It wasn't them. Instead, there was a package from the library.
A couple weeks ago, I was getting dressed for church and listening to Pandora. A song called Oceans by Hillsong came on and I immediately liked it. Especially, the vamp at the end:
So I found it at the library and requested home delivery. Based on my account, I wasn't expecting it until tomorrow. So today, when I saw it, I put it on straight away. Thinking this will help me feel better. But the vamp was not the reason I got the CD today. This was...
An ocean is what I have always described my depression as. A deep dark ocean. With threatening waves. Unknown depths.
Sometimes I'm on the shore, just inside the water... maybe up to my knees. I can still see the shore. My feet are still on the ground. I'm deep enough for the strength of the waves to move me, but not knock me down. If something shakes me, I can still get out.
But there are other times that I feel like Peter, out in the middle of dark water and the waves are huge and there is no way I can possibly swim. And I start to sink.
When I first started sinking, my friend Ricardo told me to go outside and hold my hand up for God to grab me. It was weird, but worked. A lot. I still do it... 8 years later.
When I feel myself in the middle of the vastness of my oceans I feel so small. Infinitely small. Like dust. Like one good strong wave could dissolve me. Treading water is hard. My limbs are tired. My lungs burn. And all I can do is whisper...
I did get myself up a couple times, but ended up back in bed... curled up. The last time dragged my body out of bed, put clothes on and went into the living room. I opened the front door since I kinda remembered someone knocking on it so I thought maybe the remaining wedding invitations had come. It wasn't them. Instead, there was a package from the library.
A couple weeks ago, I was getting dressed for church and listening to Pandora. A song called Oceans by Hillsong came on and I immediately liked it. Especially, the vamp at the end:
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever you would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith would be made stronger
In the presence of my savior
So I found it at the library and requested home delivery. Based on my account, I wasn't expecting it until tomorrow. So today, when I saw it, I put it on straight away. Thinking this will help me feel better. But the vamp was not the reason I got the CD today. This was...
I will call upon Your name
Keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
An ocean is what I have always described my depression as. A deep dark ocean. With threatening waves. Unknown depths.
Sometimes I'm on the shore, just inside the water... maybe up to my knees. I can still see the shore. My feet are still on the ground. I'm deep enough for the strength of the waves to move me, but not knock me down. If something shakes me, I can still get out.
But there are other times that I feel like Peter, out in the middle of dark water and the waves are huge and there is no way I can possibly swim. And I start to sink.
When I first started sinking, my friend Ricardo told me to go outside and hold my hand up for God to grab me. It was weird, but worked. A lot. I still do it... 8 years later.
I will call upon Your name // Keep my eyes above the waves // When oceans rise
When I feel myself in the middle of the vastness of my oceans I feel so small. Infinitely small. Like dust. Like one good strong wave could dissolve me. Treading water is hard. My limbs are tired. My lungs burn. And all I can do is whisper...
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