Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Garden Update: Leafy Happiness

Almost exactly 2 months ago, I wrote about the newest additions to my container garden. So far all's been well on the pesky bug front.  My green bean plant had a run in with a snail and now has some snail trail scarring along a few of the leaves, but no horrid damage.  I'm being super ultra vigilant when inspecting each plant for other pests and bugs.  Fingers crossed this batch of plants will be more fruitful than the last.

Top Row: green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers. Bottom Row: cucumbers, lavender, basil

Here is my green bean... bush... This is actually quite a few separate plants that I'm keeping in one pot together.  The one that is currently bearing, is the sole survivor of the "Green Bean Ball" ^.^  Originally, there were a bunch of surviving sprouts from that ball, but then we got a big storm and there was so much rain that most of the sprouts couldn't handle all the water.  Anywho, shortly after removing the fallen, I decided to plant the leftover seeds into the pot.  The newer sprouts are the ones around the edges.

green beans, garden beans, container garden, black girls garden too, black girls garden, diy garden, home grown

Next, we have my lavender plant.  It has grown quite a lot! My dream is to get it large enough to be able to collect and dry the leaves and make a rinse for my hair.  That would be awesome.  Plus, I've seen many recipes for lavender lemonade which would taste pretty good I think.  Summer plans maybe??

lavender, french lavender, aromatherapy, container garden, black girls garden too, black girls garden, diy garden, home grown

Soo... I thought this was my bell pepper plant for the whole first month of having these sprouts ^.^ As they grew up, I kept thinking... These look a lot like cucumbers... And finally when the flower bloomed, I realized that I had mislabeled the seedlings. LOL!!! Gardener Fail!  They look like they might be struggling a bit, so I'm going to re-pot them into bigger pots and give them some new trellises to climb.  Crossing all the fingers and toes that I get my one cucumber this year!!!

cucumber, container garden, black girls garden too, black girls garden, diy garden, home grown

Here are the actual bell peppers... The whole time I was looking at the cucumber plant, I was looking at this one like "That's a weird looking cucumber plant..." I'm glad I finally came to my senses ^.^  But in my defense... the leaves do look similar.

**EDIT** Turns out these are cucumbers lol! As they've gotten bigger they're showing their cucumber-ness.  I know I planted bell peppers, but I haveno idea what happened to them. This has been a really weird start to the garden.

bell peppers, container garden, black girls garden too, black girls garden, diy garden, home grown

I decided to also plant some beefsteak tomato seeds.  Normally I don't like tomatoes because of the slimy bits inside, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of that in this particular type of tomato.  Hopefully that is.  Anyway, they are shooting up quite quickly and they're making me feel like a very good gardener ^.^

tomatoes, tomato, container garden, black girls garden too, black girls garden, diy garden, home grown

Lastly, we have my basil plant! This baby has been with me since last year!  Recently, we've been fighting the mealybug war, and consistent bug spray and water spray has gotten/kept the pest population down.  Also, there are a LOT of seeds that can be harvested from the dried flowering parts right now.  I'm thinking about maybe planting them and starting what would be another 3rd generation basil plant.

basil, herb garden, container garden, black girls garden too, black girls garden, diy garden, home grown

So there you have it! That's my current garden roster :)  Lots of potential veggies and some aromatic herbs.  I have some empty pots that are begging for new things to be planted in them, so maybe I'll go pick up some plants from walmart or home depot...

What plants should I add to my garden? Comment below!

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