Monday, July 27, 2015

Simple Things: Go Fly a Kite!

flying kites with friends

A few weeks ago one of my friends posted a Facebook status and tagged it #InNeedOfACatharsis.  I responded to it in the most logical and adult way possible and suggested we fly kites. ^.^ as it turned out, she had never flown a kite before. Hurray for first time kite flyers!

flying kites with friends

So after church one Sabbath we got together for lunch and kite flying.  It was really cool to be able to introduce her to a new thing.  There was lots of screaming when we thought the kite was going to crash and lots of excitement when we saved it. We even got it stuck in a tree, lol! And check out that awesome rainbow behind her! I wish I could've gotten a shot with her, the rainbow, and the kite... but alas we were at the mercy of the wind :)

One of the best things she said about flying the kite was something like 'why do I spend so much money to do things when something as simple as flying a kite is so much fun'...  That is such a true statement.

flying kites with friends sunny day activity

Often times we get caught up wanting to do something "awesome" when the simple pleasures would be enough.  Now the big fancy activities are all well and good, don't get me wrong! But there's something to be said of simpler things, like flying a kite, taking a bike ride, going on a hike, or playing board games.

So yeah, do something simple this week ^.^


  1. I'm so glad you took pictures and video! This gave me an unexpected amount of joy & I'm glad I got to share it with you. I'd love for the whole crew to take a bunch of kites out to the park sometime. And maybe we can re-test that kite without a tail theory :-P #nonbeliever Great post!
    XO, Bee

    1. I am completely down for a group kite day! I still have those two other kites I bought. We just have to name the day ^.^


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