This was a pretty good month for me. In thinking about this post, I went back through my planner, Facebook timeline, instagram, and blog to see what all I actually did. It was really cool to see a list of what happened during this month. I definitely will do this again! So here's my month in review for July.
7/2: My friend Cherie shared this video on my Facebook . It is absolutely ridiculous and I cried laughing ^.^
7/3: I did my first two scrapbook pages and the first person I showed them to (after Lamar duh!) was my mom.
7/4: Bee and I flew kites together. Read about that -here-.
7/5: I created blog post tracking stickers for my planner. I really credit my consistent blogging to this new bit of organization!
7/11: Miss Bee started her blog - Sugar Sweet Bee! I'm always excited to see my friends starting new projects. I'm eager to see where blogging takes her :) Check her out -here-!
7/18: Lamar turned 35! Whooo hoooo!!!And like grown-ups, we went to a trampoline arena and jumped around like the kids we actually are on the inside ^.^ See the photos -here-.
7/23: I made these watercolor journal cards for my scrapbook. I've been itching to get into watercolor painting and now that I've done these, I wanna create some new ones! Plus, I've been watching hand lettering videos on Youtube so I want to try that soon. Wish me luck on that ^.^
7/24: On this night, I was rebraiding my hair and noticed how crazy my "kitchen" was (the kitchen is the hair on your neck... just in case you were wondering lol). So I asked Lamar to shape it up for me. This was a special moment for me because the last person to give me a shape up , besides a stylist, was my dad.
7/25: We danced the night away with friends! It was so much fun paying Dance Central and A LOT of exercise!
7/27: I sold the Leo baby blanket! (See progress shots of it -here-) It was such a motivating feeling to know that my crochet work can sell!
7/28: I took that motivation and positivity and put in some real Etsy work! I started writing my descriptions and made a list of other housekeeping things.
7/29: Lamar and I had a date day!! We bought some boiled peanuts from a roadside market and then had lunch at Steak&Shake. Then we stopped at Ross, the library, and the Dollar Tree. When we got home, we worked on a puzzle. A 500 piece puzzle... as frustrating as those teeny tiny pieces were, it was a really fun thing to do with him. :)
7/31: I got my eyes checked... they haven't gotten worse! Whoop! Now I wanna go and find some 'fun & funky' glasses!
Throughout the Month
- I blogged regularly and promoted the posts over my Facebook and Instagram. (working on that #30by30!)
- I haven't killed my garden... though it's quite the struggle.
- I finished my first scrapbook, but then decided to add in more pages ^.^
- I've made it through Joshua & Judges in my Bible reading. I discovered that my iPad Bible app has an audio setting, awesome!
- Finish Cherie & Kwame's wedding photobook
- Get all products listed on Etsy
- Design logo and look for Etsy shop
- Crochet a top or shirt
- Organize a Suicide Awareness yarn bombing
- Look into Bible journaling and maybe start
What are some of your goals/plans for August?