Sunday, September 30, 2012

Super late Take Tuesday #2

Sooo... this is my Take Tuesday post... on a Sunday... cuz hearts were a little hard to find. But no more excuses! Here's my photo. As you can see, this week's subject was hearts.

This is a picture from my February Photo-a-Day challenge.  It took me & Lamar shamefully long to get the heart to look right, lol.

Shakti Dove

If you want to take join in on this week's Take Tuesday, it's still open until Monday. So find some hearts, snap a picture, and linkup over on ShaktiDove or Nicole Marie!


  1. Would it make you feel better if I told you Keith and I have yet to make a truly successful hand heart? lol

  2. Some photos are worth the trouble of "getting it right". I'm still a newbie photographer (my husband is more comfortable behind the lens). I have to take a lot of pics to get "the one".

    This one of yours is a keeper. :)


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